I decided to do a post on healthy living because I have realised an increasing amount of my life is becoming 'unhealthy'! I hope that this will give some ideas as to how you can cut down on unhealthiness and feel better for it :)
According to the BBC and studies that have taken place, if a child has a happy childhood they are less likely to suffer from heart disease when they are an adult... SO BE HAPPY GUYS !!! :D
Going outside is always good because the sun provides vitamin D.
Exercising is so so important and there are a lot of benefits from it apart from weight loss. Exercising is good because:
- It reduces the risks of many heart problems.
- It actually boosts mental health as well. It helps manage stress, anxiety and depression.
- Reduces the risk of diabetes and of course, helps you reach/maintain a healthy weight.
- Good for your bones because helps them stay strong and not become thin, weak and easily broken.
For ages 5-18 (click
here for other ages) it is important to have around one hour a day of exercise and on 2/3 of these days the exercise should be more vigorous activity. Ways to increase your daily exercise:
- Get off the bus slightly earlier and walk home from there.
- If you live close enough, swap your bus journey to and from work/school, for cycling/walking.
- If you have a trampoline in your garden, just go outside and jump constantly for 5 mins or something of that sort.
- If you love music and dance, put on your favourite song and go ahead and boogie!
Ways to increase your vigorous exercise:
Cycle places like me guys !! |
- If you have time go for a little run after/before school.
- Take up a new sport, after school sport club or do something in a routine, like, go swimming and do 10 lengths every saturday.
- If you are not a running person go out cycling.
- Cycle somewhere you would normally drive.
It has been proven that people who are socially active (interact with people a lot, are married, have family etc.) live longer, so i suggest
- Getting yourself a fiancé,
-Dont choose an isolated place to live,
- And go talk to that lovely old lady next door regularly!
Eating healthily is also very important. I could go on forever listing what is bad to eat and what it can increase risks of, but I won't. I will simply suggest some ways to cut down on everything bad.
The main things that are bad in an average diet are: Things containing a lot of fat and sugar such as sweet things, things containing trans-fats: fast food, cakes, margarine etc. Too much alcohol and finally smoking.
Ways to cut down on fatty/sugary foods:
- Swap a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar in you lunch for fruit or oat biscuits etc.
- Don't have fast food so much and buy a salad instead.
- Get rid of all bad food in your house and only buy healthy foods so you can't be tempted to eat a chocolate bar for a snack.
It is also very important for you to eat a variety of everything. Vegetarians must replace the protein they are missing with things like nuts, lentils, milk and cheese (milk is good as well because it contains calcium but not to much cheese because cheese contains fat as well).
Now I know that saying this next bit can't make a difference to you but it can make a difference for
your child! Even before we are born, what our mums do while they are pregnant with us can effect the baby. When pregnant you should avoid smoking, drinking heavily, eating very unhealthily and being highly stressed.
I hope you didn't get too bored! Thank you very much for reading . I am sorry for a very science-y post but i wanted to do it so hope this has helped! PLEASE comment if you found this helpful and if you would like me to do more of these!!