Tuesday 22 October 2013

Halloween Costume Ideas


I thought I would just give you a few (i say few) ideas for halloween costumes. First I will do some for slightly older children, which can also be younger children's costumes as well. Then at the end i will do a few younger costumes for if you decide to dress up your younger sibling!!

VAMPIRE - Grab a cloak/cape, some black clothes and some red contacts. Do a vampire-y like face paint and some fake-blooded fangs!

ZOMBIE - Paint the whole of your face and neck white with red all down from your mouth to your neck. White contacts add a great effect!

FRANKENSTEIN - Paint your face and neck again but with green and draw scars from stitching all over it, and one around the neck. If you can, make your shoulders very broad and square!

GHOST - There are two ways of doing this:

Sheet ghost - Get an old sheet, preferable white and drape it over you, i suggest cutting eye holes! This also means if its cold and rainy you can dress up appropriately underneath and not ruin your costume!

Ghost of a person - Wear normal clothes but maybe rip then or put dirt on them if they are old. Then use extremely pale foundation to get a washed out look and then some big under-eye bags and pale lips to make the character look lifeless!

PERSON STABBED - Get an old t-shirt and trousers and cut knife like slits in them and paint red around the edges. Then also paint red where you can see through the slits. Maybe do some 'dead' make-up too!

MUMMY - Maybe not toilet paper if you want your costume to still be in place by the end of it! I suggest old material! The rest is quite self explanatory!

POTTER HEAD? - If you have a Hogwarts robe of some sort and some appropriate accessories why don't you go as a witch/wizard from Harry Potter!

RANDOM RED AND BLACK COSTUME - Many girls like to do this, get a red or black tutu and some ripped/holed tights and a red or black top. Then spend ages on your hair and make-up to make it look as halloween-y as possible! (sorry the picture isn't really like what i said but i hope you get the idea!)

Now for some of the costumes slightly younger people may want to wear. I am not saying that it is weird for older people to wear these, I just think that maybe these are slightly more childish and less scary costumes!

PUMPKIN - aww too cute! Get your sibling a cute pumpkin costume and they are good to go!

WITCH - This is also a good one for older people but i think i put it in this section because when i think of them i think witch dress up costume and sparkly cobweb tights!

DEVIL - I think this is also a good one for older people but again i have seen too many red sparkly dresses with orange fire like frills and a massive plastic fork thing that comes with it!

CAT - Draw on some cute whiskers and a nose, attach a fluffy tail to a brown/black catsuit all in one and (again) your good to go!

PIRATE - This is very much a boys one but, i think the easiest is to find a pirate costume although you could do homemade style and rip some stripy clothing ;)

SKELETON - Wear some black clothes and get someone to paint your face with bones/skull!

Those are all i can think of! I hope that helped, and i am sorry i didn't put many pictures in but I didn't want to make it too long and i (tbh) didn't really want some scary pictures 'haunting' my blog post! (not that a baby pumpkin is at all scary!)

Hope you enjoy halloween !!!!

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